Systems aimed at preventing and compensating for damage caused to the environment, health and property of citizens through pollution, damage, destruction, damage, irrational use, destruction of natural ecosystems and other environmental offenses
Timely provision of safety (including anticipation of danger) associated with the intellectual potential of the nation, legal entities of the state, the preservation of products of intellectual (including human, mental) labor
Modern communication technologies for efficient movement of people, location monitoring, interaction between vehicles and other elements of road traffic, reduction of emissions, safety of road use in general.
"Smart" housing and communal services are able to fully control the operation of equipment, to take readings from all meters at the right time, to ensure the usefulness of the work of employees and housing and communal services facilities, and to prevent accidents.
They imply the seamless integration of IT systems in the chain of express testing, data processing and their transfer to medical institutions and competent authorities (for example, entering citizens' electronic passports).
Increasing the capacity of the telephone network achieved by modernizing and expanding existing automatic telephone exchanges, building new digital automatic telephone exchanges providing subscribers with modern services and communication quality, high-speed Internet access
There is an implemented subsystem for processing citizens' requests, implemented on the principles of "Blockchain", for end-to-end control of requests, responses, deadlines, events, etc.
There is a successful experience in creating centers and working out regulatory and legal documentation for the organization of centers at different levels of executive power.
Services for digitizing transport infrastructure and capital construction facilities have been implemented, allowing real-time monitoring of the state.
Built-in traffic light sensor for monitoring air parameters according to specified indicators in online mode
The video surveillance system implemented with the help of cameras built into the traffic light allows you to identify and record events recorded in the database with certain signs
The possibility of informing citizens through all traffic light objects of the city, on which the "Smart traffic light" is installed
Informing the public about the exact time of arrival of public transport at the stop based on the actual situation on the roads
A subsystem integrated into a common platform, implemented with the help of cameras installed in traffic lights and other devices that allow you to perform the functionality of fixing traffic violations
Fully automatic traffic control system based on the actual traffic situation.
Management based on control of route execution, timetable, speed parameters, possible priority passage, etc.
Automatic control of the formation of rutting, icing, etc. in the places where the equipment is installed.
Implementation of a digital operational model for an automated process control system (automated process control system) and operation of buildings, structures, construction monitoring"
A system based on algorithms for tracking "non-typical" deviations in indicators, which makes it possible to automate the process and significantly reduce the need for personnel.
A system of unified "central" lighting control is proposed, based on the actual illumination, zooming during periods of low traffic intensity and the use of highly efficient LED technologies.
With the use of GPS / GLONASS technology, which allows you to control the route, speed, execution of the entered task.
Development of networks based on Smart Traffic Light devices
The modularity of the traffic light design allows you to equip it with a base station or a repeater for cellular networks or wi-fi networks, to create a single seamless zone in the city.
Joint Stock Company "Compass" is engaged in the supply of high-tech solutions with in the projects
"Smart City", "Safe City", "IntelligentTransport Systems"